Ongoing Projects
Yanua is a meeting space to explore and implement actions to improve our relationship with the land and fellow sentient beings. As a result, different groups of people, across generations, have a chance to get together, very much in the spirit of a thriving community.

Yanua Tree Project
We are dedicated to soil regeneration and alternative farming methods. We carry out various projects including studies throughout the year to promote the well-being of the soil, plants and animals. All this under the friendly guidance of Dr. Diederik Pietersma, co-manager of the farm, agronomist and scientist close to the land. Every year we plant trees throughout the forest and renew the orchard. If you would like to contribute to this project we would be happy to receive your support.

Montessori School
The Montessori Compostela School has been collaborating with Yanua since 2020 and is an integral part of our custodial projects. We believe in giving children a voice, enabling them to become leaders in how they interact with and influence their environment, and allowing them to learn from and with Mother Nature. Providing them the opportunity to connect with the earth and sentient beings is the path towards building healthier, more cooperative and nurturing communities that live in harmony with the planet.

Tree Whispering Project
Our aim is to raise awareness of our relationship with plants and trees and the urgent need to heal that bond.
Among other creative collaborations, we have partnered with Maruma Rodriguez, Body Mind Centering® therapist and Fine Arts scholar, and are currently looking for collaborators.
Are you interested in becoming a Tree Whisperer?